Mi colección de posavasos de cerveza de todo el mundo

Nuevos posavasos en la colección en el último trimestre http://www.spanishbeercoasters.es/Coleccion_Mundial.html New coasters in my collection in last quarter

No more coasters from countries/regions with an *
Algeria 2 Antigua y Barbuda 1 Armenia 11 Albania 14 American Samoa 0
Angola 6 Argentina 378 Azerbaijan 3 Andorra 1 Australia 7
Benín 2 Aruba 15 Bangladesh 0 Austria * 9 Cook Islands 2
Botswana 6 Bahamas 10 Cambodia 34 Belarus 197 Fiji 21 
Burkina Faso 1 Barbados 15 China 194 Belgium (only Ciney, D'Achouffe, Duvel, Leffe, Grimbergen & Rodenbach) 199 French Polynesia 15
Burundi 0 Belice 15 Georgia 17 Bosnia and Herzegovina 12 Guam 0
Cameroon 12 Bermuda 1 India 50 Bulgaria 248 Kiribati 0
Cape Verde 1 Bolivia 33 Indonesia 66 Croatia 88 Marshall Islands 0
Central African Rep. 0 Brazil (only Brahma & Antarctica) 102 Iran 0 Cyprus 35 New Caledonia 5
Chad 0 British Virgin Isl. 0 Iraq 1 Czech Republic 67 New Zealand 44
Dem. Rep. of Congo 19 Canada 8 Israel 287 Denmark 43 Northern Mariana Is. 1
Egypt 8 Cayman Islands 3 Japan 137 Estonia 183 Palau 1
Eritrea 3 Chile 182 Jordan 4 Faroe Islands 2 Papua New Guinea 37
Ethiopia 4 Colombia 281 Kazakhstan 62 Finland 284 Samoa 3
Gabon 1 Costa Rica 48 Kyrgyzstan 5 France 52 Solomon Islands 2
Gambia 5 Cuba 27 Laos 7 Germany 183 Tonga 4
Ghana 10 Dominica 2 Lebanon 7 Gibraltar 0 Vanuatu 8
Guinea 2 Dominican Rep. 11 Malaysia 37 Greece 117      
Guinea-Bissau 0 Ecuador 65 Mongolia 17 Greenland 0      
Ivory Coast 8 El Salvador 8 Myanmar 7 Hungary 169      
Kenia 27 Falkland Islands 1 Nepal 1 Iceland 9      
Leshoto 1 French Guiana 1 North Korea 3 Ireland 13      
Liberia 2 Grenada 1 Pakistan 4 Italy 83      
Libya 1 Guadeloupe 1 Palestine 2 Kosovo 8      
Madagascar 4 Guatemela 15 Philippines 24 Latvia 93      
Malawi 0 Guyana 0 Saudi Arabia 1 Liechtenstein 8      
Mali 12 Haiti 2 Singapore 137 Lithuania 182      
Mauritius 5 Honduras 13 South Korea 28 Luxemburg 4      
Mayotte 1 Jamaica 48 Sri Lanka 24 Macedonia 14      
Morocco 4 Martinique 2 Syria 1 Malta 54      
Mozambique 54 Mexico 238 Taiwan 33 Moldova 40      
Namibia 100 Netherlands Antilles 12 Tajikistan 0 Monaco 3      
Niger 7 Nicaragua 10 Thailand 98 Montenegro 14      
Nigeria 22 Panama 9 Turkey 185 Netherlands * 12      
Rep. of Congo 5 Paraguay 47 Turkmenistan 0 Norway 102      
Réunion 42 Peru 224 U. Arab Emirates 4 Poland 101      
Rwanda 3 Puerto Rico 11 Uzbekistan 17 Portugal 528      
Senegal 2 San Kitts y Nevis 0 Vietnam 48 Romania 215      
Seychelles 7 Saint Lucia 5 Russia 102
Sierra Leone 2 St. Vinc. & Grenadines 5       San Marino 5      
South Africa 214 Surinam 8       Serbia 67      
South Sudan 2 Trinidad and Tobago 23       Slovakia 161      
Sudán 0 Turks and Caicos Isl. 2       Slovenia 89      
Swaziland 1 US Virgin Isl. 4       Spain 5282      
Tanzania 22 United States 48       Sweden 60      
Togo 10 Uruguay 95       Switzerland 15      
Tristan da Cunha 0 Venezuela 89       Ukraine 19      
Tunisia 6             United Kingdom 66      
Uganda 10                        
Zambia 8                        
Zimbabwe 9                        
  Total 673   Total 2119   Total 1555   Total 9348   Total 150
              TOTAL 14225