Beamish and
Crawford |
Guinness |
Serie 01 - 250 Remarkable Years |
Serie 02 - Post Card. Distributed by The Postcard Warehouse 0181-813
8557 |
Serie 03 - Post Card. Distributed by The Postcard Warehouse 081-570 7458 |
Serie 04 - Post Card. Distributed by The Postcard Warehouse 020 8813
8557 |
Serie 05 - Guinness Series Sport |
Serie 06 - Guinness Series Zoo Animals |
Serie 07 - Guinness Series Zoo Animals. Printed in England |
Serie 08 - Guinness Series for Strength |
Serie 09 - Guinness Series for Strength. Printed in England |
Serie 10 - Wartime Series (A) |
Serie 11 - From the original artwork by John Gilrow, 1938.......Essen
(Ruhr) |
Serie 12 - From the original artwork by John Gilrow, 1938.......Essen
(Ruhr). Köln Pubs |
Serie 13 - The Picture works. Can |
Serie 14 - The Picture works. Oval logo |
Serie 15 - The Picture works. Rounded logo |
Serie 16 - You don't have to go far to get cool stuff from Guinness... |
Serie 17 - A postcard from Ireland |
Serie 18 - Real Ireland Design Limited. Big format |